Monday, November 06, 2006

Thinking man!!!

Thinking man!!!
Originally uploaded by pintoalex.
This was taken from a boat during the trip to Chimony Resevoir, in Kerala. We had to travel by boat for around 45 minutes before we reached the place where we pitched our tents and stayed for the night. While going, we left at around 4 in the afternoon and the light was too harsh, so i did not click much snaps but i knew that ,next day, we had to come back very early in the morning and lighting conditions will be much better. This shot was taken on our way back next day morning. This person was sitting right in front of the boat.
I am not sure if i did the right thing by not framing him completely. If i had to do so, then part of the boat was also in the frame and i thought it was distracting a little bit. Do let me know what you think.

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